In the Manga Chainsaw Manga Chapter 124, titled “Soup”, we see Denji and Power reunited after their long separation. Denji is happy to see Power again and expresses his gratitude for her help in defeating Santa Claus. The two then sit down to eat the soup that Power has prepared.As they eat, Denji tells Power about his experiences since they last saw each other. He talks about his time with the katana-wielding demon hunter Kishibe and how he learned to better control his powers. He also mentions his new found respect for life and how he wants to protect his loved ones.On the other hand, the power doesn’t seem to have changed much since their last encounter. She is still her usual self, teasing Denji and talking about how strong she is. However, Denji notices that she seems to be hiding something and tries to get her to open up to him.Eventually, Power reveals that she is working with Makima, the devil, to gain more power. She did all sorts of dangerous missions for Maki and even killed some of her own kind. Denji is shocked by this revelation and tells Power that he doesn’t want her to get hurt or become Makima’s pawn.The chapter ends with Denji and Power promising to always be there for each other no matter what. They both know that there are many obstacles ahead of them, but they are ready to face them together.