Chapter 141 of Chainsaw Man, titled “Normal Life Plus”, is a short chapter that follows Denji’s attempts to live a normal life after the events of the Public Safety Arc.
The chapter starts with Denji going to the supermarket to buy groceries. He is surprised to see that his branded foods have been defaced and that his posters have been replaced with those of another demon hunter. He also sees that Public Safety Devil Hunters are still actively patrolling the city, looking for any signs of demonic activity.
Denji returns home and cooks dinner for himself and Nayuta. After dinner, they watch TV together. Denji is happy to live a normal life, but he can’t help but feel that something is missing. He asks Nayuta if he will always be happy and she tells him that she can’t guarantee that. He says that happiness is something he has to work for and that it will grow as he does.
The chapter ends with Denji looking out the window at the city. He knows he will never be able to forget his past, but is determined to create a new future for himself.
Here are some of the key points of the chapter:
Denji tries to live a normal life after the events of the Ark of Public Safety.
He is surprised to see that his branded foods have been defaced and that his posters have been replaced with those of another demon hunter.
He also sees that Public Safety Devil Hunters are still actively patrolling the city, looking for any signs of demonic activity.
Denji is happy to live a normal life, but he can’t help but feel that something is missing.
He asks Nayuta if he will always be happy and she tells him that she can’t guarantee that. He says that happiness is something he has to work for and that it will grow as he does.
The chapter ends with Denji looking out the window at the city. He knows he will never be able to forget his past, but is determined to create a new future for himself.