The anime adaptation of Chainsaw Man has hit the ground running, and countless new viewers are experiencing the bloody and tragic world of Denji, the main protagonist of Shonen, who wants a simple life while chainsaws explode in his face. To get into the spooky spirit of the season, one Denji fan recreated Pochita using Jack O’Lantern to go viral and pay serious homage to the story that came from the creative mind of mangaka Tatsuki Fujimoto.
Pochita and Denji met after a chainsaw devil suffered a mysterious injury that left him clinging to life, with the young man offering his blood to help save the supernatural dog’s life. As the two became best friends, the dynamic duo spent years living in poverty while trying to make enough money to survive by hunting devils. While Pochita may be an adorable devil in his own right, he can be used as a chainsaw himself, and his fusion with Denji resulted in the creation of the chainsaw man. With Denji bumping into Maki and getting a new lease on life, Chainsaw Man may be in the running for the best new anime series of 2022.
Pochita O’ Lantern
Twitter user Ed Pan Art shared this adorable new look at Pochita transforming a pumpkin into a “Devil O’ Lantern” to help celebrate Chainsaw Man as the first season continues thanks to Studio MAPPA animators:
Unfortunately, Pochita won’t be seen much after the first episode of Chainsaw Man, the devil now functions as Denji’s heart after being betrayed by the Yakuza thanks to Zombie Devil. While Pochita may not have the physical form he once had, he remains Denji’s heart and tries to learn more about his best friend’s dreams as the young man is no longer under the Yakuza’s control. With the likes of Power and Aki now joining Denji, his career as a devil hunter jumped to the next level.