The anime adaptation of Chainsaw Man has taken the anime world by storm, and Studio MAPPA tells the tragic and bloody story of Denji as he tries to fulfill his mundane dreams by becoming a devil hunter. As the manga continues to follow the world of devils, albeit through a new protagonist in War Devil, there has been a fan theory that there may be a new chainsaw-wielding devil in town, posing as the shonen protagonist who started it all.
The latest installments of the bloody Shonen manga focused on Asa’s friend Yuko, who made a deal with the devil of justice and used her newfound powers as a devil to take down more than a few of their classmates, under the premise that they were murdering “bullies”. Of course, as is usually the case, making a deal with the devil can result in dire consequences for the person involved and those around them. Yuko murders more than a few innocent students, but reunites with Asa and buries the hatchet. Unfortunately for Yuko, she runs into a problem that separates her head from her shoulders and makes her look a lot like the Chainsaw Devil.
A con man with a chainsaw?
Twitter user Denji Unleashed hints at an idea many Chainsaw Man fans may have been thinking, with Denji’s ominous shadow looming large after taking Yuko’s head, but potentially hinting at an impostor in their midst as Denji is shown sleeping next to his dogs. in the chapter:
The mystery of who this new chainsaw fiend could be remains just that, as the manga plants the seeds that there is a terrifying force masquerading as Denji. While we haven’t seen a devil in the past that can perfectly mimic Denji in his devil form, it wouldn’t be a surprise to see a demonic entity that could look exactly like a chainsaw devil based on wild creatures. in the past we saw the spring from Tatsuki Fujimoto’s mind.