Chainsaw Man might take the cake for the biggest new anime series arriving in 2022, with Tatsuki Fujimoto’s anime adaptation sending shockwaves through the animated world via its first episode. With Denji’s tragic story introducing viewers to a terrifying world fit to bursting with devils, one cosplayer has flipped the script when it comes to the Chainsaw Devil as the anime series by Studio MAPPA marches forward in a crowded anime fall season. A Chainsaw Woman hasn’t been introduced but cosplay can make anything happen.
Denji did not live a high-caliber life before he became a devil himself, joining forces with the Chainsaw Devil, Pochita, to hunt supernatural beings in order to earn enough money to keep the Yakuza from killing him. Unfortunately, Denji was betrayed by his mafia overlords, with the criminals striking a deal with the Zombie Devil to gain supernatural powers, at a terrible price. With both Denji and Pochita being stabbed and torn apart by the gangsters, a bargain is struck wherein the Chainsaw Devil merges with the human, bringing to life the Shonen protagonist that has taken the world by storm and is cutting his way through countless devils.
Instagram Cosplayer Anne Yeori supplied a gender-flipped take on the Chainsaw Devil, showing off Denji in his first transformation, but not his last, following his fusion with his beloved dog that not only saved his life, but gave him the opportunity to forge a new path where his meager dreams might come true:
“Denji’s a poor young man who’ll do anything for money, even hunting down devils with his pet devil dog Pochita. He’s a simple man with simple dreams, drowning under a mountain of debt. But his sad life gets turned upside down one day when he’s betrayed by someone he trusts. Now with the power of a devil inside him, Denji’s become a whole new man-Chainsaw Man!”