The first season of Chainsaw Man in its anime adaptation is a hit, the MAPPA-produced series is climbing the charts to become one of the biggest new anime of 2022. Luckily, if you’re craving more chainsaw action, creator Tatsuki Fujimoto’s manga continues to run on Weekly Shonen Jump. After the dramatic conclusion to the first volume of the bloody Shonen series, the second volume is running as we speak and has released a new chapter that makes us believe supporting character Yoshida has something up his sleeve.
In the latest chapter, Denji and Asa Mitaka, aka War Devil, ended their disastrous date in bloody fashion when Mitaka transformed an aquarium into a spear that would be used to destroy the Eternity Devil. With Famine, the third horseman of the apocalypse, pulling the strings when it came to the Eternal Devil’s return, it would appear that Yoshida, Makima’s former bodyguard, is aware of the horseman’s current activities and may have machinations of his own.
Yoshida Chainsaw
One Chainsaw Man fan was able to connect the dots when it came to Yoshida’s potential machinations, with former bodyguard Makima seemingly working in the background and possibly being the villain Denji and Mitaka will have to deal with in the bloody Shonen future. series:
While a second season of Chainsaw Man may be inevitable, especially given MAPPA’s commitment to the series and the easter egg dropped during the season one finale, it may be some time before Denji and his friends return to the small screen. This year alone, MAPPA is working on the second season of Vinland Saga, the second season of Jujutsu Kaisen, the new anime Hell Paradise, the final season of Attack on Titan, and an original film called Alice And Therese’s Illusion Factory.