Chainsaw Man made some major changes with the arrival of its “second chapter” in Weekly Shonen Jump, with Denji stepping down as the main protagonist and giving the war fiend, Asa Mitaka, the opportunity to take over. Asa attempts to fulfill her war pact by taking revenge on the chainsaw devil, the third horseman of the apocalypse, revealed in the latest episode, which spells big trouble for Denji on his fun date with Mitaka.
With Asa Mitaka and Makima already revealed as two of the four horsemen, readers were captivated when the third horseman, Famine, entered Denji’s life. While the Chainsaw Devil doesn’t come face-to-face with this rider, Asa gets the chance to speak with “Fami” for the first time as Famine tries to create the perfect scenario where the War Devil could turn Denji into a weapon. Unfortunately for Denji and Asa, this means that their date at the aquarium will be running for quite some time.
Twitter user Tanijrou took the opportunity to celebrate the arrival of Famine, a “proven” member of the Four Horsemen who has yet to appear in earlier Chainsaw Man chapters, so it may be some time before we see her appearance in Studio MAPPA’s edit:
The second chapter of Chainsaw Man saw Denji living with his current status as a world-renowned “superhero” gleefully attempting to uncover his own secret identity in order to gain more fame and popularity for himself. With three of the four horsemen revealed, the second installment of the bloody series certainly has more in store for these harbingers of doom, and there will be plenty of readers already debating the identity of the fourth horseman.