The first season of the anime adaptation of Chainsaw Man has already ended, but the manga from creator Tatsuki Fujimoto is still going strong. While it may be a few years before we see Asa Mitaka, the War Devil, make his first appearance in an anime adaptation, one fan animator decided not to wait that long and created an animation that depicts one of the most adorable moments that have been shared. between Denji and Asa after their disastrous date.
It’s always hard to predict where Chainsaw Man will go in the future of his story, which has become a staple of the anime franchise, with the added foil of Asa Mitaka making things that much more unpredictable. In an attempt to get revenge on the chainsaw devil for ending many wars, the war devil made a deal with Mitaka, saving her life but now giving her a life that is suitable for cracking the devil. When Asa gets Denji to agree to go on a date, she finds herself trapped in an aquarium thanks to the machinations of Famine, the Third Horseman of the Apocalypse, as she battles the Eternal Devil with her fiercest weapon yet.
Chainsaw War
Fan Animator Carrot Sprout recreated the adorable moment in which Asa Mitaka’s attempt to turn Denji into a weapon of war didn’t go as planned, giving Chainsaw Devil the wrong impression and causing an awkward end to their date-turned-devil fight:
Currently, the anime adaptation of Chainsaw Man has yet to confirm if a second season will arrive from Studio MAPPA, although based on the fan response to Denji’s first appearance on the small screen, it seems a safe bet that one day we’ll see the Chainsaw Devil return. However, MAPPA has quite a busy slate for 2023, working on series like Jujutsu Kaisen, Attack on Titan, Hell’s Paradise, and Vinland Saga to name a few.