As the group explores their surroundings in Hell, Aki awakens Denji. Immediately, Denji begins to actively transform again, but is only able to make a chainsaw tip appear from his head as Quanxi suggests that he is low on blood. He calls for a truce between the various parties while they decipher their current situation. He turns and notes that the Fiends; Power, Long, Pingtsi and Violence Fiend; they all suffer complete nervous breakdowns. Aki asks Angel Devil about their current situation, to which Angel Devil explains in a petrified daze that they are in Hell.Quanxi asks Pingtsi if they have a way to escape, however Pingtsi fearfully explains that they are being followed by devils with far greater power than Gun Devil: The Primal Fears, who have never experienced death. Desperate, Pingtsi asks for permission to commit suicide, only to weep as Quanxi refuses. He screams as one of the doors opens and a black drop of liquid falls out and hits the ground – the Devil of Darkness.The group prepares to fight when darkness surrounds them, a row of astronauts split in half appear, praying in a Buddhist pose. In an instant, the Devil of Darkness walks past them and disconnects all their arms from their bodies. Each person reacts in silent shock as Tolka – now fully in control of Santa Claus – offers the Devil of Darkness’ heart to Denji in exchange for the power to kill Maki.Outside Hell, Santa Claus receives a small fragment of dark devil flesh and swallows it whole.